
I am going to introduce myself

welcome to boooks.neocities.org!
this website is designed to help readers know which order to read a series and provides a space for people to rant and write reviews about their favorite (and least favorite) books.

my name is elizabeth. i love books, especially fantasy novels. right now i'm reading the second book of the and i darken series. i honestly don't like it that much haha. i also do crew! crew is rowing. i both cox and row in a boat, but i've been coxing for longer. i love my friends, photoshoots, reading, traveling, snacks, and editing pics. i love all pastel colors. you can click on my friend's website right here.

book with tea

my three subtopics are fantasy, realistic fiction, and romance/drama.

fantasy consists of a made-up world with fictional societies, people, and ideas. it often depicts medieval times, magic, and mythical creatures.

This is one more paragraph in inline.

What position will I be?

What position will I be?

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